Millions worldwide travel outside their home country every year for medical procedures and treatments.
The American Medical Association issued guidelines in 2008 in response to the rapid growth in medical tourism.
DISCLAIMER: simply provides a Directory of highly rated hospitals and healthcare professionals. It is up to you and your healthcare advisors to determine if medical travel is right for you and which healthcare provider you wish to use.
The following are some PRICE guidelines for various treatments and procedures. Of course, you should obtain written quotes from the healthcare providers along with other due diligence.

Typical Costs of a Medical Travel Trip
- Passport and flights for you and a companion if you are having someone else accompany you which we strongly suggest.
- Hotel - generally room rates are for 2 people.
- Local transportation to your hotel and to appointments at your healthcare provider.
- Meals not included in your hotel or other package.
- Pre and Post Op exams and medications
- The cost of the surgery or other treatments or procedures (this cost should include medical complications coverage from the healthcare provider)
- Incidentals - personal items
Many of our providers offer ALL-INCLUSIVE packages which include all of the above except flights, meals not included and incidentals...the goal of these packages is no surprises.
Gastric Sleeve Bariatric Surgery
All Inclusive * Price - Manizales $5,995 USD
What is included in our price ?
- All hospital, doctor and anesthesia fees
- Initial consultation, pre and post op exams
- One night hospitalization (private room)
- All pain and other medications
- Medical complications coverage
- Follow up for 1 year
- Airport pick up and return, transportation to all appointments
- Bi-lingual patient concierges to guide you every step of the way
- 11 nights in a high quality hotel with no extra charge for companion
Not Included:
- International or domestic flights
- Incidentals, personal expenses and meals not specifically included

All-on-4 Dental Implants
(including Fixed Hybrid Acrylic Bridge per jaw)
$7,000. USD. versus $20,000 + in the USA
All-on-6 Dental Implants
(including Fixed Hybrid Acrylic Bridge per jaw)
$9,800. USD. versus $25,000+ in the USA
Implants & Crowns and Smile Design
Send xrays and photos and we will provide a quote.