Retire to Manizales

There are 3 major reasons I decided to create 

One was the dire situation of millions of seniors in the US struggling to get by on just their Social Security. 

The average single person gets about $2,000 per month; married couples get close to $3,000 per month. It´s very difficult to live a quality life on this small amount each month but seniors can live BIG in Colombia. 

At an exchange rate of over 4,000 per US dollar for a Colombian pesos, these monthly incomes translate to over $8 milliones COP per month for a single person or over $12 milliones COP per month for a married couple. That is A LOT of money in Colombia.

Here is a spreadsheet I put together and ran it by lots of ExPats living in Colombia...they all felt is was very reasonable and even it is very realistic. has the top real estate brokers (inmobiliarias) and Developers (Constructoras) offering amazing deals.

CFC & A Constructoras is offering El Retiro, brand new townhouses (about 1,000 SF) in a gorgeous new community in La Florida, a lovely peaceful suburb about 5 to 10 minutes from Manizales. 

To see all of CFC´s current projects in Manizales and surrounding communities click HERE.

Another top developer is Berlin Constructoras. Click HERE to see all of their current projects. 


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